Pandora's Dirty Story

    [Chat] Bigfoot: I had to go out and get beer, it was
         relatively nice here a little while ago
    [Chat] Kasmir: it's a figment of Taloy's imagination
    [Chat] Pandora: Danm, Bigfoot!  Everytime you log on the
         topic turns to beer!
    [Chat] Bigfoot: are there other topics to talk about?
    [Chat] Pandora: now I want a blooming onion AND a beer
    [Chat] Mishra: sex...
    [Chat] Kasmir: hehe
    [Chat] Kasmir: in a bowl....
    [Chat] -Emote-> Mishra nods at Kasmir.
    [Chat] Kasmir winks.
    [Chat] Bigfoot: beer and Hooters!
    [Chat] Kasmir: why on earth would we wanna talk about
    [Chat] Kasmir bonks Bigfoot on the head.
    [Chat] Bigfoot: because they have beer and scantily clad
         serving wenches, and really great wings
    [Chat] -Emote-> Vidalia grins mischievously at Mishra.
    [Chat] Kasmir: laf
    [Chat] Mishra: i said nothing -- trust me ;)
    [Chat] Bigfoot: that is 3 very good reasons
    [Chat] Kasmir: welp...their beer is ok...and i dunno bout
         you...but scantily clad owls doesn't do much for me...and i don't like
         wings very much
    Mishra sends to you: well, i guess if youre hard up *chuckle*
    [Chat] Mishra: or better yet, owls wings! yum!
    *You laf at Mishra.
    [Chat] Bigfoot: well I guess we all have out own quirks
    You send to Mishra: apparently bigfoot is
    [Chat] Pandora: So there's a woman wearing a tight leather
         mini skirt, leather boots and a leather jacket waiting at a bus stop...
    Mishra sends to you: big nod - thats what i was thinkin *smirk*
    *You grin at Mishra.
    [Chat] Kasmir: there is?...which bus stop?
    [Chat] Kasmir peers around.
    [Chat] Bigfoot: does she have beer?
    [Chat] Kasmir: i hope so
    [Chat] Mishra: dont worry Kas, I have greyhound on the
         phone and im askin....
    [Chat] Kasmir: k
    [Chat] Kasmir: hurry up eh?..i don't wanna miss her
    [Chat] Pandora: The bus arrives and she goes to step on.
         She's embarrassed to find her skrit is too tight (from drinking beer)
         to raise her leg high enough to reach the first step.
    [Chat] Bigfoot: KRAGAR!!!!!
    [Chat] Kragar: yes I'm back!
    [Chat] Mishra: this is a good one
    [Chat] Kasmir: woo woo...i like her already
    [Chat] Kragar: I hate work - they actually expect me to do
    ----- Asgard's Honor ----------------------------------------------------------
    Bigfoot the brawler                             [02] -- dwarf fighter
    Pandora the explorer                            [01] -- dame adventurer
    Malikto The Master Of Nothingness               [++] ++ Wizard
    Mishra the prophet                              [08] -- human priest
    Vidalia the acolyte                             [02] -- sprite priest
    Lister the crusher                              [03] -- dwarf monk          [I]
    Kasmir is actually doing some work! *gasp*      [++] ++ Wizard
    Kragar the explorer                             [01] -- elf adventurer
    Alminst the magician                            [05] -- shadow mage         [I]
    Taloy Minhk, Anti-Paladin                       [++] ++ Senior              [I]
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 10 ----
    [Chat] Kasmir: how dare they!
    [Chat] Pandora: Well, she reaches behind and unzips her
         skirt a bit to loosen it and tries to step up again - but still finds
         the skirt too tight.
    [Chat] Bigfoot: I hate when that happens
    [Chat] Mishra: shit, why doesnt she just take it off?
         wouldnt that save time?
    [Chat] Kasmir nods at Mishra.
    [Chat] Kasmir: yeah...TAKE IT OFF!!!
    [Chat] -Emote-> Vidalia chuckles.
    [Chat] Pandora: Very embarrased, she reaches back and
         unzips a little further...
    [Chat] Bigfoot: YES! a srtipper!
    [Chat] Kasmir: man...i wish i was that bus driver
    [Chat] Vidalia: you guys are funny :P
    [Chat] Pandora: ... but still can't make the step.  She
         blushes and apologizes to the driver and unzips some more - but STILL
         can't make the step.
    [Chat] Taloy blinks.
    [Chat] Kasmir: we try
    [Chat] Mishra: ok, now she's a tease
    [Chat] Taloy: 8snarf*
    [Chat] Kasmir: nod
    [Chat] Kasmir sings "She's a barbie the barbie
    [Chat] Bigfoot: TAKE IT ALL OFF!!!
    [Chat] Pandora: Tiredof waiting, a Texan beind her lifts
         her by her waist and puts her in the bus.
    [Chat] Kasmir: woo
    [Chat] Mishra: hah, nice choice...*wink*
    [Chat] Kasmir: but by her waist?
    [Chat] Kasmir rolls his eyes.
    [Chat] Kasmir: i think this story has been censored
    [Chat] Pandora: Outraged by this, she turns around and
         yells "How dare you touch me!  I don't even know you!"
    [Chat] Mishra: is no place safe?
    [Chat] Kasmir: laf
    [Chat] Mishra: here it comes
    [Chat] Mishra: PUNCHLINE!
    [Chat] Kasmir: ooh the suspense
    [Chat] Pandora: The Texan replies "Well, normally I'd
         agree, but I figured we was friends after you unzipped my fly three
    [Chat] Kasmir rolls on the floor laughing.
    [Chat] Kasmir: lucky guy
    [Chat] Mishra: you see, it was a Texan because she couldnt
         tell there was anything back there
    [Chat] Kasmir: laff
    [Chat] Taloy: and where are you from? Dallas?
    [Chat] Bigfoot: was she blonde?
    [Chat] Taloy: dark hair rules!
    [Chat] Pandora: Who me?  I live in Orlando... I'm from
    [Chat] Kasmir: okie...i'm loggin that and stickin it on my
    [Chat] Taloy: Outta my way! I've got ta save the wee
    [Chat] Taloy: Argh! Save me from tha wee turtles!
    [Chat] Kasmir: