Hi there! My real name is Mairi (pronounced like Mary). I’m 26, pushing 27 with a vengeance though. I am currently in my senior year at the University of Florida. I’ll be getting my BS in Chemistry in May and after that it’s straight to Grad School, still at UF where I will be pursuing a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry. Yeah, I’m a geek.

How I started MUDding is a little long for a short bio so I’ll just say I was introduced to it a number of years ago. Due to circumstances beyond my control (miserable computer, worse connection and a new baby) I was forced to take a somewhat long sabbatical from the activity. 7 years later I went looking for Val again, as it was the only one I knew. An internet search brought me to several of the Asgard pages and explained what had happened. So, that’s how I got here and I’m glad I did. If there’s anything else you want to know... you’re gonna have to ask.