Well, I guess I should get the boring bio stuff out of the way.  My real name is Kylie and I am currently 29, having been born in Brisbane, Queensland Australia in 1970.  I am married to Earwax (aka Ian) and a new mother.  I try to stay sane under the barrage of house duties -  and crying, cooking - and crying, and washing - and crying (I think you get the picture!).  Now, about my mud name . . . . . I chose the name Kaohmie from a former student of mine - I pronounced it as it is spelt when I first met her, but was quite astonished to find out that the correct pronunciation is - 'key vah' (apparently it is Irish - no offence intended!).  I have not been a mudder for long, and the first Mud that I ever played on was Valhala - where I was also a Druid (because they are, of course, the coolest - and hardest working guild!).  I play on Asgard's whenever my new daughter Jocelyn Danae (born 23-01-99) or my husband Earwax will let me.

(below is a pic of Jocelyn Danae)