Asgards Player Listings

Here is an ever-growing list of players from Asgards Honor. Where possible, I've gotten a picture of the player, and a short bio from them. I rather liked the idea of having this section of the page, I always liked looking at the gathering pics on the old Valhalla page that Rokk had, and I always wondered what those people actually did besides play. So here goes, I'm hoping to some more people to send in something too. If you wanna see your name up here, just e-mail me a bio, saying a little about yourself, and what you like about the MUD, along with a pic if possible (but not necessary). Enjoy!

The players who've taken the time to make this page possible:


Aithne Nannji Soda
Bigfoot Quinn Thickskull
Earwax Revelstoke Web
Flitter Scabs Yzzy
Josta Ship Zarathos
Kaohmie Snoopy Zendavian
Mishra Snowwolf Zonar